Keyword Research on the cheap

Don’t have big budgets to do keyword research? Read on… STEP 1 – GOOGLE SEARCH The wildcard (*) operator tells Google to substitute it for one or more words that would normally appear in the search phrase.  Here are a couple of examples of how you can use the wildcard operator: If you type [“black …

Twitter Updates for 2010-02-14

SEO tip (3): your title tag has to be written like an AD. Focus on: a) the primary keyword and b) benefits. Must be less than 63 chars long # SEO tip (2): interlink your pages heavily. Every page should have a couple of contextual links that point to other pages on your web site. …

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-14

SEO tip (3): your title tag has to be written like an AD. Focus on: a) the primary keyword and b) benefits. Must be less than 63 chars long # SEO tip (2): interlink your pages heavily. Every page should have a couple of contextual links that point to other pages on your web site. …

On-page optimization for search marketing

On-page optimization for search marketing Here are highlights of what is required for each of your webpages. This is how I optimize my blog called and have several joint venture partners on this website who also benefit from the on-page optimization. Step 1 Page title tag Include the keyword in the title tag of …

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-07-05

SEO tip: Yahoo Answers is a great source of targeted traffic for your website. Always offer valuable answers while linking to your site. # SEO tip: look for ways to link to your site within discussion lists related to your site’s topic, but be careful not to overdo. # SEO tip: host your affiliate program …

Twitter Updates for 2009-07-04

SEO tip: make it easy for people to link back to an articles. The more links you get the higher the rankings. # SEO tip: Offer yourself as an expert. Contact editors and writers and let them know you are available as a source in exchange for a link. # Facebook tip: Create a group. …