Keyword Research on the cheap

Don’t have big budgets to do keyword research? Read on… STEP 1 – GOOGLE SEARCH The wildcard (*) operator tells Google to substitute it for one or more words that would normally appear in the search phrase.  Here are a couple of examples of how you can use the wildcard operator: If you type [“black …

Twitter Updates for 2009-12-28

Traffic tip (4): submit the PR on a Tuesday or Wednesday 🙂 # Traffic tip (3): include the keyword phrases in the first and last paragraph. Sprinkle it in but don’t go crazy with repetitions. # Traffic tip (3): keyword phrases with a competition of less than 30,000 (using quotes in your search query) in …

Twitter Updates for 2009-11-29

PPC tip (3): use the Search Query Performance” report to find out what negative matches you need to add to your broad & phrase ad groups # PPC Tip (2): Use negative matches with your phrase match and broad match ads to reduce unwanted clicks and impressions # PPC Tip (1): Separate your ad groups …