Want to work at Google's? here's how :)

Great infographic for those of you that want to work with the great company. I prefer freedom but then again…you may be different 🙂 more than 1 million resumes received every year they choose between 4,000 to 6,000 or 0.1% to 0.4% chances 🙁 Google in the past has used up to 29 interviews before …

Updates to Google Search Interface

A few days ago Google’s folks quietly (as they usually do) updated their search interface. Many nicknamed this interface the Jazz interface. Although Google engineers really what they do, there are tons of bad reviews. In a nutshell this is what’s new: There is an added a left panel with quick access to relevant options …

Keyword Research on the cheap

Don’t have big budgets to do keyword research? Read on… STEP 1 – GOOGLE SEARCH The wildcard (*) operator tells Google to substitute it for one or more words that would normally appear in the search phrase.  Here are a couple of examples of how you can use the wildcard operator: If you type [“black …

Twitter Updates for 2010-02-03

SEO tip: Use the ~ operator for synonym search. For example ~pear would also return search results with “fruit” in it. # SEO tip: Use wildcard operator with Google search. For example: +vancouver *travel would find substitutes for the word travel. # The most beautiful city in the world: https://sandrosalsi.com/2870/vancouver-bc-the-most-beautiful-city-in-the-world/ # Use RSS feeds to …

Twitter Updates for 2010-01-29

Google wave: ways to use it – http://www.maclife.com/article/feature/20_cool_uses_google_wave # Tools for domain search: http://bit.ly/9FyEM6 # 44% of Google News Visitors Don’t Click Through It seems that many online news consumers are more like grazers. (Marketing Pilgrim) # SEO resources for Beginners: http://bit.ly/ac21x9 # Ballmer said that Google’s decision to no longer filter out internet searches …

Google Social Search: tips and tutorials

When you are signed into your Google account, Google Social Search will help you find relevant information from people in your social circle (i.e.: friends and acquaintances). For example if you are searching for a Mexican restaurant nearby then if Patty – hi Patty  we all know you like food 🙂 – has left a …