Go To School and get a job or … become an entrepreneur?

They always to tell us: go to school get a job get married buy a house have kids retire enjoy life Not necessarily in this order but… you get the idea. You have probably heard it yourself. What’s wrong with this picture? What is all this is wrong? Or, let me say it better, what …

How PageRank flows from Twitter and Facebook in Google's rankings

Here’s the first video from Matt’s new webmaster series. It’s about PageRank, Twitter and Facebook. Interesting but…hardly new. Here’s a brief summary if the video: Links from reputable websites are always best. Re Facebook: only links that can be fetched MAY pass pagerank Links from Twitter are NoFollow so no worry there…it will not help …

Additional ways to optimize content network traffic

Google Adwords team has developed a Getting Started Guide and a series of 6 videos to help you getting more targeted website traffic at cheaper prices. Topics include: Campaign setup Best practices Selection keywords Creating adgroups Bidding AD creatives Tracking conversions etc The video below will walk you through how to set up a new …