Twitter Updates for 2010-02-07

Google Chrome is Above the 5% Market Share as It aims at Firefox and IE. (IE: 62%, FF: 24%, Chrome: 5%, Safari: 4%, Opera: 2%). # Google Squared has a new design (easier to read and includes multiple images) to better handle queries looking for a single thing. # Use xenu link sleuth to find …

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-07

Google Chrome is Above the 5% Market Share as It aims at Firefox and IE. (IE: 62%, FF: 24%, Chrome: 5%, Safari: 4%, Opera: 2%). # Google Squared has a new design (easier to read and includes multiple images) to better handle queries looking for a single thing. # Use xenu link sleuth to find …

Cross domain canonical tag – how to use it properly

Very recently Google has announced the support for the cross domain canonical tag that basically allows webmasters to have the same content in more than one place and telling Google which one is the main version. The one that show up in their SERPS; your master copy so-to-speak. This is pretty big. Basically if you …