LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn is one of the most powerful (and often mis-understood) business networking tool out there. Let’s talk a little about it: LinkedIn Groups Groups are one of the most powerful LinkedIn tools at your disposal. Groups are formed based on geographical location, personal interest, business sectors, specific industries, etc. Members can sign up to receive …

gLee – Imagine (Deaf Choir & Glee Cast)

My good friend Judy has sent me this video and I have found it so incredibly inspirational that I have decided to place it on my blog as well. Haverbrook Deaf Choir and Glee Cast singing “Imagine” by John Lennon. Who would’ve thought that the world might just be a better place if we all …

gLee – Imagine (Deaf Choir & Glee Cast)

My good friend Judy has sent me this video and I have found it so incredibly inspirational that I have decided to place it on my blog as well. Haverbrook Deaf Choir and Glee Cast singing “Imagine” by John Lennon. Who would’ve thought that the world might just be a better place if we all …

Give FriendFeed a try

A short introduction to, a social sharing service that enables you to discover and discuss the interesting stuff your friends find on the web. Read and share however you want — from your email, your phone or even from Facebook. Publish your FriendFeed to your website or blog, or to services you already use, …

Introducing Aweber New Web Form Generator

You and all AWeber customers now have a brand new tool to help you build your email list faster. The new Web Form Generator that you’ve seen glimpses of on our blog over the past 2 weeks is now all yours to play with (and it’s not even the holidays yet!). See how it works: …

Twitter Updates for 2009-11-01

SEP Tip (6): Buy text links via classified ads that let you include a link. # SEO Tip (5): Buy a membership in some business association. Ex.: Chamber of Commerce, SEMPO. # SEO Tip (4): Pay for inclusion in some widely syndicated ‘Recent Blog Posts’ widget. # SEO Tip (3): Have someone ghost-write a WordPress …

LinkedIn for SEO

You can use LinkedIn to get 3 great links pointing to your site (with keywords in the anchor text). In your profile they give you the opportunity to add three hyperlinks to websites of your choice. If you’re not trying to optimise your site for “My Website”, “My Portfolio” and “My Blog” it might be …

Twitter Updates for 2009-10-13

Improving AdSense performance using Google Ad Manager on November 24th, 2pm GMT # Using Analytics to optimise your AdSense performance on November 4th, 5.00pm GMT or December 16th, 5.00pm GMT # Google AdSense for Search: Improve the user experience and generate revenue on October 28th, 5pm GMT or December 9th, 5pm GMT # Google AdSense …

Twitter Updates for 2009-07-06

Facebook tip: integrate a facebook strategy into your marketing plan. The key to success is to stick to it. # Facebook tip: Add people by interest or industry. Add only people with some common interests. # Facebook tip: update your profile often. If you use it for business invite people in your appropriate target market …