Tag Archives: Blog
Use a Gravatar with your blog comments
Twitter Updates for 2010-06-30
Google local optimization tip: you do not necessarily need links, but citations to your office address and most especially good reviews. # Use the #keyword #difficulty #tool to figure out what are the easiest keywords to target: # If a #blog requires you to register to submit a #comment, fill out your details in …
Twitter Updates for 2010-04-16
#Skin #Deep Provides Updated Safety Guide For Cosmetic Products: # Appliance #Rebates Going Quickly In #Florida: # Adsense tip (5): When creating AD units, horizontal link units and large rectangles work best. # Adsense tip (4): You can only use a maximum of 3 Adsense for #content ads per page, 3 link units, …
Viral traffic tips to get more visitors from Twitter
We must admit it, any community building effort takes time. And Twitter is not different. You need to nurture your followers, provide excellent content, build value and most especially be genuine. There are some shortcuts however, and I would like to share some tips with you. Write content as a guest blogger – Here are …
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Twitter Updates for 2010-02-28
Twitter Updates for 2010-02-17
Palo alto plane crash: # Olympic Medal Count: # Twitter tip (4): integrate twitter with your blog. # Twitter tip (3): post often and share valuable tips. Build relationships with customers and make them ambassadors of your product/service. # Twitter tip (2): Make your updates personable not corporate news style. Person to person …
Twitter Updates for 2010-01-22
SEO tip (4): get diffefent type of links and do not add links too quickly # SEO tip (3): When linking to your site don’t always use the same anchor text # SEO tip (2): link to internal Pages # SEO tip (1): Stay Away From Link farms # Twitter does not allow images. Either …
Ways to use twitter for business
Here is a short list of some of the things you can do with twitter (please add yours in the comment box). If appropriate I will edit this list (with credits and link to your website): PLEASE CONTRIBUTE BY MAKING A COMMENT ABOUT THIS POST… Create Buzz for your products and services Tell your followers …
Links building in 2010 – what works now
Lots have happened in the year 2009: real time search, twitter and facebook surpassing google in terms of traffic, pagerank sculpting, google new algorithm caffeine, personalized search and much more. Let me give you some recommendations for the year 2010 and beyond: Careful with easy to manipulate links like blog rolls, sponsored themes and paid …