SEM: what's new

I have heard that Google Doesn’t Want Searchers To Find SEO Companies and Web Designers to the point that they are hiding the “local results”.

For example if you search for “SEO Vancouver” (with or without quotes) this is what you find. As you can see the local results have disappeared.

SEO Vancouver in Local SERPS
SEO Vancouver in Local SERPS

Unfortunately you have just lost a few opportunities to show your link in the local results. Seems to me that this is a disservice instead of a help to the visitor.

But, who am I to make such a statement? I do not have access to the data they have and they may be right.

Time will tell.

And here’s what happens when you search for “SEO in Vancouver” (with or without quotes):

if you add “in” to “SEO Vancouver” then the local results are back. Isn’t that funny?

SEO in Vancouver in the Local SERPS
SEO in Vancouver in the Local SERPS

That is bad news. Based on what the company says it seems like the decision was made because of user intention.

Go figure…

Another reason to join the Social Media revolution? Looks like during the holidays Facebook had more visitors than Google. I’ll let you (my dear readers) decide.

In time I will write a guide on how to promote yourself in Facebook and post it here so do not forget to signup for my RSS feed.

Until next time…

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