Is the order of links on a page important for SEO?

I watched this nice short video from Matt Cutts answering questions from the community. This is about the important of links in a page and their position relative to other links on the page.

Matt from Lexington, KY asks: “Is first link priority an on-page SEO factor? If so, should we modify CSS or JavaScript to show the correct link first?”

Here’s what Matt has to say:

Comments from the community range from:

Hi Matt, I don’t think you understood the question correctly. I believe bragadocchio and idevs are correct.


Hi Matt,

I think the question involved links on the same page that pointed to the same destination page. Does the first one count more than the second when it comes to the anchor text?

I suspect that the answer is more complicated than which link is found first by the search engine.

You can read all the comments here:

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