Market research tips

Here are a few tips ou can use to do your market research. Also do not forget to use our FREE Niche Market Finder. You will be able to download a PDF document with all your data. No email address required 🙂 Let’s go: Use Google keywords research too to find keywords you may be …

Additional ways to optimize content network traffic

Google Adwords team has developed a Getting Started Guide and a series of 6 videos to help you getting more targeted website traffic at cheaper prices. Topics include: Campaign setup Best practices Selection keywords Creating adgroups Bidding AD creatives Tracking conversions etc The video below will walk you through how to set up a new …

Twitter Updates for 2009-12-18

Search Based Keyword Tool Short Video: # Self publishing experience: # Pay per click advertising tip (6): run brand ads alone FIRST. They have the highest CTR and quality score. # Pay per click advertising tip (5): Create as many ad groups as necessary to use plenty high-traffic keywords # Pay per click …