An Interesting view on Social Media – a negative one

While the business community is embracing Social Media at record pace there are still skeptics out there and they have the right to be heard. Here is what Marc Gordon has to say:

Why No Business Should Be Involved In Online Social Networking

Still think spending all that time updating your Facebook page and twittering is going to help your business? Have I got news for you!

Take a look at these four scenarios.

  1. A teenaged boy is sharing strategy secrets on a Playstation 3 Facebook group.
  2. A father is posting photos of his family’s day at the beach to Flickr.
  3. A mother is uploading a video of her daughter’s  recital to You Tube.
  4. An HR consultant is twittering about recent changes in employment law.

Which one of these people stands out as being unique from the others in the way they are using social networking?

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