- PPC tip (3): use the Search Query Performance†report to find out what negative matches you need to add to your broad & phrase ad groups #
- PPC Tip (2): Use negative matches with your phrase match and broad match ads to reduce unwanted clicks and impressions #
- PPC Tip (1): Separate your ad groups into broad, phrase, and exact matches. #
- Snippets and Titles: http://bit.ly/6UJMjJ/ Matt Cutts explains how Google generates snippets and titles. #
- A portable power generators and irrigation systems to serve some of the poorest communities in the world. http://bit.ly/7PRD5L #
- A series of agreements signed by the United States and China suggest that Copenhagen is still very much alive contrary to media reports. #
- Adwords tip (2): later on start lowering your bids (making sure you do not loose position). #
- Adwords tip: bid high on the beginning, for the top or second position. This way you will get more clicks but and a better quality score. #
- Due to the recession: Demand for solar energy could be down as much as 17% on the year for 2009. #
- DIY Deer Food Plots Podcast#173: http://www.vetjudy.com/diy-deer-food-plots-podcast173/ #
- Systemize Your House Using Wicker Storage Bins: http://bit.ly/6FB820 #
- Whitetail Deer Food Plots Design Prevailing Winds: http://www.vetjudy.com/whitetail-deer-food-plots-design-strategies-and-prevailing-winds/ #
- Introducing Aweber New Web Form Generator: https://sandrosalsi.com/2027/introducing-aweber-new-web-form-generator/ – try it FREE. #
- NASA invented an algae photo-bioreactor that grows algae in municipal wastewater to produce biofuel and a variety of other products. #
- Wastewater algae turned to fuel: http://www.sciencealert.com.au/news/20092011-20266.html #
- Human waste hailed as new biofuel: http://www.3news.co.nz/Human-waste-hailed-as-new-biofuel/tabid/209/articleID/130577/cat/772/Default.aspx #
- Whitetail Deer Food Plot Design Strategies: http://www.vetjudy.com/whitetail-deer-food-plot-design-strategies/ #