- Self promotion tip (7): build a blog where you can showcase your work, build credibility in your field and promote yourself. #
- Self promotion tip (6): effectively ‘piggybacking’ on your twitter/facebook network by connecting with key people in your sector #
- Self promotion tip (5): put a guest post on another site in return for content for your own. #
- BP shares fall as seep causes concern: http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-world/bp-shares-fall-as-seep-causes-concern-20100720-10i3j.html #
- #EarthLink is different. Right 🙂 The Inside Story: An Anonymous Ex-AOL Exec Tells All (AOL): http://bit.ly/aWBpiB #
- Washington reacts to ‘Top Secret America’ revelations: http://bit.ly/9WKQ6D #
- #Hugmeez new song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbHyBAlTRT4 #
- Self promotion tip (4): Find someone in your industry to interview in return for them interviewing yourself. #
- Holy molly ! I have just found out about the controversial website http://wikileaks.org/ that collects highly classified documents and video #
- Self promotion tip (3): have mailing lists to swap articles or a link in a newsletter so that you and your work get seen by a new audience. #
- Self promotion tip (2): Create Joint Products like ebooks or audios. You can create a product together faster by sharing the knowledge. #
- Self promotion tip (1): Collaborate on Projects. Pick someone well known, ‘piggy-back’ on their success and promote via their contacts. #
- July 22, 2010: Vancouver Island Advanced Technology Centre (VIATeC) – VIAFest! Summer BBQ #
- #ChumpDump allows you to #unfollow twitter friends (for Google Android and Apple iPhone). #
- Microsoft Bing reaches 12% of search market: wow, I am impressed. #
- Following the Gulf of Mexico spillage, Obama’s administration is pushing for algae-based fuels as a biofuels strategy. #
- There are plans within the aviation industry to use biofuel from #algae: http://www.spiegel.de/international/business/0,1518,706473,00.html #