- Autoresponder tip: Test & Proofread your series. Run a spell checker over your email messages as well. #
- Autoresponder tip: include at least seven email messages in every follow-up series you write and spread them out over 10 to 30 days. #
- Autoresponder tip: Make it simple. Short and straight to the point. Don’t bother with complicated HTML emails and fancy graphics. #
- SEO tip: Write articles and submit them frequently to article directories and other sites and blogs as well. It also helps with branding. #
- Adwords tip: be patient and be ready to lose some money before making some more. Even with the best techniques, you need tweaking. #
- Autoresponder tip: Cross-selling other products. If someone’s bought a product, you can use a discount coupon to market a related product. #
- Social media tip: Crosslink with as many quality contacts as you can. Everyone wants to follow the leaders. #
- Autoresponder tip: Day & hour timing – the time of the day and day of week sent can make a big difference in click rates. #
- Any campaign with at least 15 conversions in the last 30 days is now
eligible to use Adwords Conversion Optimizer. I have to give it a go #