- Adwords tip: Ignore all the gurus advice and bid the amount that makes you the most money. #
- Blogging tip: create a new post every other day (or once a week at least). #
- Aweber it’s expensive. With over 21,000 subscribers and I am thinking of building my own. My existing clients will be able to use it free… #
- Five great questions to ask the farmers at the market: what growing methods do you use? Certifications, etc.
- Twitter tip:Select a good account name. Your name is what appears next to your profile, which can be different than your handle/URL. #
- Healthy Tip: Do not buy anything in the grocery store that is not on your diet. If you shouldn’t eat it, don’t buy it! #
- Healthy tip: Once a week, turn off the TV and do something a little more physical with your family and friends. #
- Market Research Tool: Google Trends. Check the history of any keyword / phrase. Be careful choosing seasonal keywords. #
- Your own biz tip: If you are going to go into business as a team, make sure you pick compatible partners. #