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  1. Facebook ADS tip (6):These are demographically targeted ADS so if you add an image you can increase your conversions.

  2. SEO tip: watch some of Matt Coutts videos:

  3. SEO tip: link poluparity is not a number game but a quality game. Make sure that you have quality sites linking to you.

  4. SEO tip: Use high-demand keywords in page titles, section headings, and in URLs.

  5. SEO tip: See what the world is searching for woth insight for search –…

  6. Optimization tip: when linking back to your site, make sure you do NOT always use the same search phrase.

  7. Optimization tip: make sure your Javascript is SEO friendly. AJAX is not SEO friendly so use JQuery.

  8. Page design tip: you can use flash sometimes if needed. As long as: the entire page is not in flash.

  9. Web page optimization tip: use CSS image replacement. It makes a site look great, while also being search friendly.

  10. Web page optimization tip: Have great links in your footer.
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