Market research tips

Here are a few tips ou can use to do your market research. Also do not forget to use our FREE Niche Market Finder. You will be able to download a PDF document with all your data. No email address required 🙂 Let’s go: Use Google keywords research too to find keywords you may be …

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-08-02

Social media tip: Look for groups that may contain your target market. Use keywords that describe your niche and start participating. # SEO tip: leave your link anywhere you can: forums, chat rooms, guest books, etc. You would be surprised at how effective this is. # Web design tip: Seek Advice. If all this seems …

Twitter Updates for 2009-07-27

Affiliate tip: Avoid flashy banners and large annoying looking banners on an affiliate website. They will drive visitors away. # Affiliate tip: select a product/service you are familiar withs. You will need to become an expert in this area. # Adwords tip: continue experimenting to increase conversions – website optimizer is a must. # Affiliate …

Twitter Updates for 2009-07-13

Second earnings? Yes we can 🙂 # How can I help? # Branding tip: Use YouTube to drive awareness and conversions. Making a short video about your business and embedding keywords is easy. # Adwords tip: use AD Scheduling If you want your ads to only run during certain times of the day or …

Twitter Updates for 2009-07-07

Blot tip: Write the way you talk. It’s okay to use slang. Your readers will appreciate your being genuine. # Blog tip: write frequently. A blog is about you and what you do. Not only about business so you can write about personal things too. # Traffic tip: find a good niche market with the …

Twitter Updates for 2009-07-03

SEO tip:Do niche market research: find keywords, info about competitors and buyers. Here’s a tool you can use: # Blog tip:Keep it short and simple. Get to the point quickly. Creating short posts more frequently is better than publishing long articles. # SEO tip:Submit Site To (on topic and local) Directories. Make sure that …