Quick 3 minutes video on how the ranking of local listings works when users/visitors search on Google and Google Maps.
Tag Archives: Google Maps
How to create remarketing PPC campaigns using Google Adwords
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-21
Facebook tip (4): DO NOT use facebook without taking the time to learn the tool and using it to its full capabilities. # Facebook tip (3): DO NOT create a facebook account and then leave it idle. Add friends and fans like there is no tomorrow # Facebook tip (2): DO NOT inundate people …
Twitter Updates for 2010-02-18
Will the Vancouver Winter Games leave a legacy of sustainability or will it be business as usual come spring? http://bit.ly/aU4JC4 # High-Efficiency Solar Cell Made from Earth-Abundant Materials: http://bit.ly/acfq9G # Google Maps gets slope view in time for the Winter Olympics: http://bit.ly/c9VOWy # BC Emerging as a Clean-Tech Leader: http://www.globe-net.com/articles/2010/february/16/bc-emerging-as-a-clean-tech-leader-.aspx #
Twitter Updates for 2010-02-17
Palo alto plane crash: http://bit.ly/aPLb8F # Olympic Medal Count: http://www.nbcolympics.com/medals/ # Twitter tip (4): integrate twitter with your blog. # Twitter tip (3): post often and share valuable tips. Build relationships with customers and make them ambassadors of your product/service. # Twitter tip (2): Make your updates personable not corporate news style. Person to person …
Twitter Updates for 2010-01-07
Social media SEO is good for going viral and getting links for the community (the very best kind of links you could get) # Social media SEO is good for having more pages in the Google SERPS # Social media SEO is good for gaining links (some of them DoFollow) from media sites # SEO …
SEO thoughts
Fast SEO food: Want Bing to index your pages? And fast? Then submit your website/page to Digg.com and Yahoo Buzz Looks like there are more Google MCC phishing attempts going around. Be careful !!! FriendFeed is becoming increasingly important to get traffic and in terms of brand management No-follow links count (a little) if coming …
Twitter Updates for 2009-10-04
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-10-04
Monetizing with the Google Maps API: http://bit.ly/1ewmGZ # Greenpeace activists occupy Alberta Shell site: http://bit.ly/RJGfa # Great SEO plugins (7): WordTwit – Automatically tweets your post on your Twitter account once its published. # Great SEO plugins (6): TweetMeme – easily encourage your posts/pages to get retweeted on Twitter. # Great SEO plugins (5): Permalink …
Twitter Updates for 2009-07-13
Second earnings? Yes we can http://bit.ly/4udYx # How can I help? # Branding tip: Use YouTube to drive awareness and conversions. Making a short video about your business and embedding keywords is easy. # Adwords tip: use AD Scheduling If you want your ads to only run during certain times of the day or …