Custom Reporting with Google Analytics

Before you do anything you should read the introduction about reporting with Google Analytics: Then these are the next steps: Design your custom report (know how you want to present the data, learn about dimensions and metrics, preview your report). Build your custom report (watch the video below, it’s self explanatory. It will give …

Google Social Search: tips and tutorials

When you are signed into your Google account, Google Social Search will help you find relevant information from people in your social circle (i.e.: friends and acquaintances). For example if you are searching for a Mexican restaurant nearby then if Patty – hi Patty  we all know you like food 🙂 – has left a …

Cross domain canonical tag – how to use it properly

Very recently Google has announced the support for the cross domain canonical tag that basically allows webmasters to have the same content in more than one place and telling Google which one is the main version. The one that show up in their SERPS; your master copy so-to-speak. This is pretty big. Basically if you …

Winning marketing campaigns

Learn about making your campaigns more personal by targeting mobile devices and using your analitycs packages more efficiently to spot opportunities. Penry Price gives us his thoughts on these topics. To increase the personalization of your campaigns through mobile advertising, visit, and learn how to plan, target, create, and measure mobile ad campaigns with …