Most watched Canadian Video – EVER !!!

27,474,725 (millions views) as of today !!!

Good old Pink Floyd. Used to be my favorite band. I grow up listening to their music. It touched my heart in so many ways that I can’t even begin to describe.

Roger (Waters) and band thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Pink Floyd, Wish You Were Here (1975)

Some comments from the YouTube page:

one of the best songs i ever heard


Listen UPPPPPP…this song contains some of the Best lines as well as music ever written…..these pieces from this song are just pure poetic beauty to rival Keats or any one else…this will live forever….just wish Kids would appreciate the lyrics before they decide to trip on plastic drugs…..


MOST VIEWED! Cannot think of a more deserving video, this is simply Floyd’s most beautiful song. Thank you for making this video, hopefully anyone who doesn’t know Pink Floyd (then again, who HASN’T heard this song at some point in their lives) will now know them and know how beautiful their music.

it brings back so many memories and so many feeling of uneasiness form my youth.

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